Feb 15, 2012

Brazilian City Accommodates the Obese

Brazil News

| SAO PAULO – A city in the state of Sao Paulo approved a law that will make it easier for obese people to board buses. People with a certificate from a medical doctor stating that they are obese will be able to bypass turnstiles to get on public transportation throughout the city of Santa Bárbara d'Oeste.

Accommodations didn't have to be made for Garriela Pezzo, apparently.

Gabriela Pezzo is unaffected by the new law (Photo: terra.com.br)

”I received many complaints from people who are forced by drivers to pass through the turnstiles and fail. Now they will be able to enter through the back door [to avoid the turnstiles],” City Councilman Anizio Tavares, author of the law, told G1.

The new law, however, only applies to those who have a medical report stating that their obesity is the result of disease. “If not, everyone will want to use the benefit even if they are just a little chubby. Many people try to lose weight and fail, so it is a disease. And that ultimately affects the day-to-day ability to come and go,” said the councilman.

Santa Bárbara d'Oeste is a city of about 200,000 in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo. According to Wikipedia, “In the late 1860s Confederate refugees from the American Civil War (known as Confederados) settled in the region. Among them, there was William Hutchinson Norris, a senator from Alabama. Their descendants still hold an annual Confederate picnic on the second Sunday in April that features typical southern American foods like biscuits, fried chicken, chess pie and vinegar pie, as well Confederate songs and reenactments.”

Santa Barbara has several museums and tourist attractions, including the Immigration Museum.

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Source(s) for this article: G1 SP

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