May 1, 2012

Rare Urutau Bird Photographed Atop Pole

Brazil News

| CAMPO GRANDE, Brazil – An alert G1 reader in Central-West Brazil spotted a rare urutau bird, which is able to 'cloak' itself. Business manager Lucia Teixeira de Moraes, 53, of Parque Novos Estados in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state, snapped a photo of the bird and uploaded it to G1.

A rare urutau bird photographed sitting atop a pole in Central-West Brazil in a 'cloaking' position

Rare Urutau Atop Pole (Photo: Lucia Teixeira de Moraes/G1)

The bird, which blends right into its environment when it's cloaking itself, was sitting atop a post when she spotted it. “It was the first time I ever saw an urutau in my 53 years of life. I though this bird existed only in the Cerrado. He stayed in place all day,” Lucia told G1.

”He kept his little head hidden inside his body. After that, he pointed upwards,” she added over the internet.

A biologist with the Center for Rehabilitation of Wild Animals Campo Grande, Jose Sabino, who analyzed the images and confirmed that the bird photographed by Lucia really is an urutau. The biologist told G1 that there are five different species of the bird in Brazil. Sabino believes that the urutau in the photograph is a Nyctibius griseus, a bird characteristic of the Cerrado.

The animal is nocturnal and feeds on small insects, according to the biologist. He also said that the urutau is typical of the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest and has a habit of staying in the same position for many hours to camouflage itself.

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Source(s) for this article: G1

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